Under the right conditions, Perth pinstriping can endure up to ten years.

Perth’s severe weather, especially the scorching summers and sporadic sandstorms, can hasten deterioration.

However, you may greatly increase the longevity of your pinstriping with routine cleaning and maintenance.

The following advice can help you preserve your pinstriping:

Regular washing: Steer clear of abrasive sponges or brushes and use a light detergent.
Waxing: Adding a layer of wax to your skin might help protect it from the weather.
Steer clear of strong chemicals: Steer clear of harsh solvents or cleansers that can harm the pinstriping.
Expert touch-ups: You should think about obtaining a professional touch-up if you see any fading or damage.
You can enjoy your pinstriping for many years to come if you heed these guidelines.

To get the best results, choose Perth Stripes and Signs who have been pinstriping for 44 years in and around Perth.